Online board meetings that are successful depend on several factors, including an agenda that is well-planned and clear communication protocols as well as reliable technology. Boards that adopt best practices can still reach high levels of efficiency despite the challenges.

Begin your meeting with an open discussion. Posing questions that require participants to speak up is a great way to get people talking. Additionally, starting your meeting by conducting a poll or survey tool can help you determine areas that require improvement.

Reduce the time you spend on reports and other “must-do” items. If you engulf attendees in tedious reporting, they will quickly lose interest and concentration. As a rule of thumb, allocate no more than 25 percent of your meeting to these types of discussions. This will permit more strategically planned discussions.

Make sure that your meetings are enjoyable for everyone involved. Use the Boardable platform an opportunity to encourage participation and create an inviting environment for all attendees. Encourage board members to keep meetings on time and to follow the rules of conduct at meetings and to maintain a high degree of professionalism.

A successful online board meeting requires that board members be aware of how their position in the organization affects others. Using tools like Boardable’s Minutes Maker and Task Manager, it’s easy for board members to update their responsibilities between meetings and stay informed of the progress and challenges. This helps to foster collaboration among the board and creates a more effective, efficient online meeting.

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